Secure Payment

Since 2002, le Temple du Jeu uses Cybermut P@yment, the solution of secure online payment authored by le Credit Mutuel, now certified PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). The PCI DSS has been adopted by MasterCard and Visa networks to enhance security on the use and storage of cardholder data. It is now a global standard also supported by other networks cards like American Express, JCB or Diners. Cybermut P@yment is developed and maintained by Euro Information, the IT subsidiary of the Crédit Mutuel-CIC.

BrestRennesLe MansVannesAngersNantesSaint NazaireLe PouliguenPoitiersLimoges

Nos Garanties

 paiement sécurisé
avec le Crédit Mutuel

 En cas d'envoi, possibilité de retour sous 14 jours

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